So best to just forget about the dice for now and be really suprised when they show up next year :)
What about the High Elves Ring of Fury, which cast Kaines fury but provides all the dice it needs within the item? It is power level 3 so I...
I think life is excellent especially with a Slann TG unit. Most of the "harmless" miscast table also involved killing all models in base contact...
I'd vote a saurus block too but since your trying to keep a skink theme could do a Skrox unit. Can get 3 krox for 165
As cool as that might be you'd better have loremaster if you take aspect of the deathknight. Man that spell is terrible.
Sounds good keep the stegs. And personally I really like the lore of life. Its a good overall lore and has an anti horde spell. Shield of thorns...
Agreed I think the ancient steg is heads and tail superior to the the regular steg. Blow pipes are move and fire and way more damaging than one...
Agreed I did have the 10 skink bunker reduced to below a LOS and then I lost my slann to a very luck rock lobba. But what I should of done was...
And I just read skinnyboys ogres battlereport and it looks like alot of poison could whittle them down for you. Gl and let us know how it works out.
Not a bad list my only worry is the fact you only have one combat block and its only 19 strong. Are all the skinks skirmishers or some of them...
After playing most of my tourney with a TG Slann setup and not being overly impress by TG for their points I thought I'd try Slann in Skinks....
At 1500 agreed ethereal in a unit of 10 skinks might be better for such a low point total. With that costly of a slann and TG theres really not...
Thanks Carny I think I will do that. Only have 16 archers unfort and with the max 40 models, no unit worth more than 450 makes the core really...
Agreed with the above, salamander wreck serious havoc. Any skink shooting you have nail his swordmasters if you can they are deadly but soft....
I know its the lizardmen forum and I normally play lizzies but wondering if anyone uses High Elves here and had some thoughts Been painting high...
Almost always HW + Shields
Still looks like a great deal though. Thats alot of basing material for a very reasonable price
I'd drop one of the disciplines to save you 50 points so you can buff up the saurus. If you put a champion in and stick the scar vet in there you...
Overall looks pretty sound don't have much for comments. With the 8 extra points might as well take an extra handler on the salamander. Good luck.
Very Cool I like