The advantage skinks (and chamo skinks) have vs warmachines is poison. If you hit on a 6 you get to skip rolling to wound and kill a crew member....
Wanted to add my sob story. Finally cracked and bought the new slann model. Two weeks later the finecast model comes out. Theres something...
My best success has been 6 wide, 3 Krox and 30 skinks. Enough ranks to last and enough attackes to rack up some wounds. Damn you WS 3
Sorry to come late to the game but I'll take Eladimir 15 Lustrous Green/white Eladimir 15 Scarab Jade/gold Didn't fully understand the pricing...
It says "the casting wizard can choose to immediately swap places with a friendly character of the same troop type anywhere within 18"" The old...
Yep its true. Your carnosaur can duck behind a fence and get a round of safety :)
Might not be super helpful but the best way to field a carnosaur is to play a storm of magic game and take a solo carnie for 210 points, solo steg...
But at the start of the knights turn if there is no kroxigor in base contact they can't attack the krox's. Even if they finish off the skinks with...
If there is only a few skinks left can the opponent only roll half his attacks, resolve them and then target the krox after?
Great building and I'm sure he'd wreck faces. Makes me nervous running around without a charmed shield or ward save. Damn you cannons Wait did...
Just finished a 5 game tourney with a light slann in a 10 skink skirmisher bunker. It was fantastic. The free movement from any direction is...
I have an arm lamp/maginfier too which I find works great. Using a super fine sharpie for eyes is a fantastic idea thanks. My army will now soon...
Scarvets over Oldbloods all the way.
I don't think theres a wrong way to go there, the poison shots are better than a swarm that just sits there. But with the swarms together you've...
You defintely don't need skinks on the flanks of the Skrox unit. I personally like to run them 6 wide, 3 krox behind.
I play empire quite a bit and thats a rough lineup. I for one just dont bring any carno's or steg's. Its just too easy to not get first turn and...
Very true, but those of us who aren't great players will what advantages we can. (although I will admit this LOS for the slann would be a really...
Love my Krox vs Knights, I call them can openers :) One thing to note if your Slann (BSB) ever flees hes instantly destroyed. :(
Good list, got all the standard bells and whistles. What do the 2 units of 10 chorts bring the the table that the blowpipe units aren't already...
I'm about to assembly my slann this weekend for a touney and was give a short stand and a tall stand. Sounds like I should keep em both, short...