Was a pretty good video. For even more detail I recommend the Great Eagle Tactica from Ulthan net. Just google that should get you there.
For my next tournament I'm taking two units of 10 skimirishers. In a practice game His line had a giant in the center so I wanted my skinks in...
It was mentioned early on. With the huge extra dice and three dispell scrolls HE can have though it would be hard to get through. But worth a try.
If the Chief BSB is on the corner of a horde of saurus you should be able to keep him safe as long as you get the charge of, you can maximize...
I guess one advantage is the chief gives his fellow terradons LD8, a much safer roll when they panic after the first causaulty.
I did the Skink Chief (killing blow) on a terradon with a 3 terradon unit in my last game. Was totally useless. To snipe a char you need to charge...
I know this doesnt really help but vs Skeletons Saurus are the way to go :) Either way good luck
In tourneys I run TG 5 wide, less frontage is good Normally 6 wide since they look more symetrical. Krox I run 6 skinks wide with 3 Krox and 4...
Something that I found that won me a game recently is to stick them in a building for a turn if things are close by. I jumped into a building...
Those last couple points are shared by the COC too, immune to stomp and fear. Stupidity is a big negative, count on failing that roll once a...
You can give both your scarvets a shield for 3 pts.
Charmed shield might be better than the enchanted shield as it will save your old blood from a cannon shot.
Damn, well no taking advantage of horde rules there then.
On the slann point I think the new one is much much better. The fat toad leaning to one side looks almost comical to me. The new so slann...
I wanted to through this out there for an unfriendly game. If you made a horde Skrox unit you would get 36 S6 attacked with skinks for cushions if...
Our warhammer gaming group is based out of a small local gaming store so I like to do what I can to buy new from them but its hard when ebay is...
10 is a pretty small amount of temple guard, 16-20 is a min. If you don't have those just run him solo and etheral. High Elves wont have much to...
Stegs are actually stubborn so as long as the BSB is somewhere near them the can old a unit for quite some time while losing combat.
Saurus just match up fantastically againist standard core troops. The weakness is vs S6 infantry where our toughness and armour save are both...