I think they are fantastic personally. I see alot of elite infantry and knights in my meta and vs those sorts of troops Skinks and Saurus die the...
Always double tap. Thats the beauty of chamo skinks. With BS 4 you can move, double tap and be long range and still hit on 6's. If you move and...
Your a brave man going no slann at that point level. I'd go with 2 level 2 skink priest would probably cover you. You should make one of your...
Make way can only be used to get characters that are not in b2b combat into combat. EDIT-Someone already said it.
I'll take the easy one 1) Best Lores are Life, Light, Shadow - In that order personally. A slann in a TG unit is safest with life for the extra...
Yep, what he said. Also if those Salamander are on their own ie two single sallies. You should pay the 5 points a piece for an extra handler. Well...
When I first have to tell them they are being becalmed I try and helpfully add that they can no longer miscast and are safe.
I agree with 4) That 45 points at this point level can be better spent on more bodies. If you switch from life to anything else defintely take it...
Sweet, just got a $100 gift certificate to my flgs. Gonna save that. Damn, just bought the metal slann and it has a been a hell to assemble, need...
The carnosaur solo is a fantastic use of points. The d3 wounds and S7 are great vs the monsters you'll face. Dragons seem nice but unless your...
I'd break the chamo skinks into two units of 5 and drop the stalker.
I'll start at the bottom, I wouldn't take a potion of str on a GW SV since S7 is pretty damn good already. Swap it out for the Frog Poison, only...
I'm on the Canada page, maybe thats it
The slann is gone? what the heck is going on.
The costs of the spells are quite low but some of the best uses of them are the larger bubble version which are costly enough you can only cast...
Agreed with Aril. Its the move or shoot rule that kills it. Since you have to sit there to use you you basically bought a crapy BS 3 bolt...
Re: Scaly Skin should stack with Scaly Skin Yeah the FAQ is very cut and dry. I consider this resolved. Thanks all.
I think they are the best hero level characters in the game points wise. Their initiative is high enough the go before many rank and file type...
So maybe 5 cold ones calvary (do you recommend full command?) Put one of the scarvets on a cold one One unit of Skink Skirmishers to deploy as...
Re: Scaly Skin should stack with Scaly Skin Thematically I would think of it as turning our scaly friends into metal plated saurus. Kinda like...