Well, not quite. Dragons were present on the planet before the Old Ones arrived. Most went into hiding when the Old Ones altered the environment...
I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
I know that many people today prefer the current line of Washes that GW offers up for many applications, but I frankly don't need to use them in...
-_- You are right! What the heck, Mazamundi!? Now what? I doubt that would be a huge problem in a world where magic can cause blood and teeth to...
I think they were having problems operating the portals since the great calamity that caused the whole mess with chaos in the first place. Were...
I'm not sure but, I don't think a mounted Scar-veteran can join a unit that is not comprised of other mounts... which would be cold ones... which...
I'll sign the petition, but it may not be necessary. I heard a rumor on Warseer that GW is working on such an army already. Not sure if that is...
What I find works rather well for the flowers is simple... paper. If you take a stiffer, parchment textured paper, it will hold up well on the...
Yeowch. Never painted yellow before. What would you suggest to get as bright a yellow as possible? I usually prime in a light-grey so I don't have...
Cripes. My work area is so disorganized. Mayhaps I'll clean it up a bit first and then post a picture, ehehe...
Hello all. I was thinking about color schema for my future Lizardmen army when I was lost deep in thought ruminating about the state of the Slann....
I hear that the P3 (Privateer Press) Paint range is quite good, though nobody I know has had any personal experience. I'd love to test out P3...
Just got an email today from GW and the contents of which make my blood boil. Incoming! Daemons! Firstly, what? Why are the Daemons of Chaos -...
I too desire this knowledge. It would probably be more expensive for me here though, seeing as they would have to ship across the pond.
I was painting up some Ork Burna Boyz for a good friend of mine. For added touches I added charcoal and skorched rippers to the base. Was awesome....
We all make blunders. Some of them are mere lapses in judgement brought on by too much sleep (or a lack of), while some are the result of our own...
Holy cow! :jawdrop: Do you ship? XD This is VERY interesting. Do you have the plans that you used to make this at all, in case someone wanted...
What glue works best? Regular PVA/White glue? Or would a gallon of something thicker like Wood Glue work better?
This is why I've never bought GW terrain. Yeah, my stuff never looks quite as good, but it isn't just for the money I save. I find building...
Sounds practical but I rather like having them as books (yeah I'm difficult like that). I've tried laying some of my textbooks on em for a day...