I played a friendly match against my friend who plays tomb kings, and I have to say it was the most fun I've had to date, their was no struggle on...
I have to agree, with you on grabbing the amulet of itzl, that is well worth its points cost, though a question about burning alignment or any of...
Playing against my friend (he plays tomb kings) his bone giant charged my blowpipe skinks, rolled my dice and on the 20 total dice, none of them...
I love the crests on the skinks, it looks like to would be a good way to differentiate units is having one solid colour scheme then have different...
July 8th 2009, I started war hammer fantasy battle we had done 40k before that but none of my local gaming group enjoyed it (Except for one player...
Hey there! My name's KonektFor, I have not been playing lizard man for long (Only a couple of months) and have only had one realish game, but I...