i agree with getting the battalion box. All of those things are great and usable. That will also give you a less than 1000 point army that you can...
lol ya great essay! How do you feel about writing a paper for class for me =D
Oooo!! i haven't seen to many Lord Mazdamundi conversions, post some picks if you can!
Ya i thought i just got a bad batch of saurus but when i picked up another box they were like that too =[ Thanks GW =p
Ouch that's rough! let us know how you do!
Ahh in the case ya, i guess your hands are tied =/ Is the a local tourny rule?
The Gor-Rok one is awesome!!
Ive had huge success with mine! Let us know how you do with him Iggy!
This is almost like my tournament list =D!! It is a great list BUT that spear-a-don should be upgraded to a A.steggie. that extra strength is...
Whaaaat!! lol thats awesome, maybe i'll pick up the box to add to my HE army! Thanks for the heads up Strewart!
Lookin good, lookin good!
Ouch! lol that's some pretty bad luck. Hopefully next time things will go your way.
Just stared LM not to long ago myself, welcome to the party!!
So i'm a pretty fresh Lizardmen player. I understand the field is pretty much even due to skill/luck/all that jazz, but with your experiences as...
i enjoy fluff alot the hunted!!!
Oooooohhhhh lol, now i got it. Has anyone run this item and have an opinion?
Wow lame, it feels like that just came out lol.
Didn't they just come out with a starter set thing? I think its battle for skull pass right?
Ohh so when they say toughness they really mean leadership?
Ok so i'm kinda confused by this item. It says in the army book "that character must immediately take a toughness test". does that mean your using...