I'm going for the lizards of the mist one of the temple citys that's still in use is sourounded in mist
in fact my lizards are lizards of the mist grey and black with highlights of bleached bone
if you guys made this a sticky thanks
alright guys i need some help, i how we all this a 5+ save to start off with, because of our skin, and we are cold blooded so thats 3 dice for...
alright im building up my battle force, and i dont know what weapons to give my lizards. blow pipes for the skinks? spears for the saurus or hand...
im a guard and daemonhunter player
hello all, im a 40k nut i have two armies and been playing for awhile. Started thinking about fantasy fell in love with the lizards. Im new to...
im sure in the new army books its now 2d6+1 impact hits now.