God I love my mom! I said exactly what you just suggested I shouldn't and she was all like: "You're crazy, but I guess it's better than staying up...
This sounds really interesting! Now to persuade my parents to let me stay up 24 hours with some guys from the internet :p. I'll see what I can do....
I pledge to finally finish the howda of my stegadon, and paint at least 2 skinks.
I finally had the time to finish the next installement of my fluff, so here it is. C&C are, as always, appreciated. The Catastrophe Years and...
I've finished my steg at last. now it's just the howda and some skinks probably... [attach] [attach] [attach] As always, C&C are appreciated!
Troll forged miniatures is a miniature company. They heve a line of fishmen that might suit your fluff......
Hmmm... I can't see it, im getting the red cross of doom :depressed:
ooh, very nice. Are you planning to build your army with the trollforge fishmen? Or is your army the anoes combating the fishmen? Great story...
I think that would be die-hard... Next one: "Do you know the gods of death like apples?" shouldn't be too hard. Kajchi
I'm glad that at least someone is enjoying my fluff :D Here is the next "plaque" The Sealing Tezcat's plan was quickly revealed to the Old...
I decided to make some army fluff, and post it here. It is getting longer than I expected. So I've decided to write it in chapters. Every time I...
My guess is that he was implying that skaven are so broken, that it's impossible for the verminlord to have a big gaping weakness. :jawdrop: Kajchi
I don't really understand what you mean. The stegadon still lives when the priest dies, and I don't use conflagration or anything after the priest...
I usually bring at least one skink unit with a brave when I have an EotG. I put the EotG in the skink unit, using the speed of the skinks to my...
As requested, more (and this time better) pics. Skink [attach] Progress on foot of arcanodon [attach] Stegadon paint in progress [attach]...
Hi guys, I've been lurking around here for a while, looking at everyones awesome models and decided to post a few things of my own... My army is...
Wow, this seems like a pretty viable tactic. Only real problem I see is that you have your general flying of from your army. This might not be a...