My friend is going full blown demon, and he is destroying me, so i put together this, help would be much appreciated, he mostly goes for khorn and...
thanx for quick replies guys +1 internets all round, also i think ill do exactly what you say dalkarius.
Basicaly my friend is sick of loosing all the time so he is starting demons of chaos and he has skull eater and im going to be absolutly...
My new list thanx to salamander, it looks much better than mine. Skink priest Diadem of power 90 Saurus Warriors 15 models Banner Spears 192...
OK so there is this tournament on Saturday, and I have no idea of what im going up against. sooo all help will be massivly appreciated on this...
i dont understand, u didnt put ur characters in units? also like to know how the shooty army goes GREAT BATTLE REPORT BTW KEEP IT UP :D :D :D...
i dont use sallies much but on a artillary dice u the average you should roll is 6, so you need to place you sallies atleast 6 away from units, as...
this may be more than a week old, but in a 2000 pts or more game you have to have 3 core. and ur still 25 points short so why not give the guy on...
damn this is some good stuff, skink screening a carnosaur. AWSOME!
i would change the slamanders to razadons, as razadons are more predictable, you wont over shoot or under shoot with them and when they get...
woh i didnt realise that this thread was old, i only posted in it cause it was near the top of the page :jawdrop:
Thanx for the comments, i always save 2 dispel dice using the diadem. @ Aranigej thanx for the compliment, i also like the composition of my army...
You let to much rest on the shoulders of those skinks, i dont think they will do to well, you could just use them to bait or aim there pipes at...
i also would like to know why you called it totally love noodles, i mean they are pretty nice and with some soy sauce MHMMMM infact *turns the hob...
i might try taking the skinks out, but they are a handy flesh shield, and they do take down ghouls easily(i play against VC alot) with blow pipes....
i think you need spears on the saurus, its 1pt per model for 2 extra attacks to the front, thats gotta be worth it
This is my army list that i run atm, i have had 1 loss with this list, 2 draws and 6 wins. basically i put my cold ones my stegadon, and my...
tirion is a high elf named character, his stats are WS,7 BS,? S,7 T,3 W,3 I,10 A,4 this guy has a 1 up armour save, he has regeneration and a 4+...
take the kroxigor unit out, and drop that saurus unit down to 15.
me and 2 friends are having a tournament thing (friendly) and i was wandering if you guys could help me make my army list better, my saurus units...