With the new book out its become very appaernt to me that lizardmen have the potential to be very magic heavy or kick @$$ with a bunch of heavy...
Does the glyph necklace or any other magic item give both an old blood and his carnosaur the ward save or just him?
How long would jungle swarms last against a ranked unit of skellies or zombies? With their static CR of 4 or 5 I would be losing a swarm every cc...
HOly crap I totally forgot about that weapon...hmmmm a slann with uber sweet magic against undead, or the swweeeeeeet taste of watching a zombie...
So does this mean that I am able to use a skink chiefs BS for one of the giant blowpipes atop an ancient? Or even on the giant bow, even though...
Actually I do have a unit of skinks, that I forgot to include...I thought my core looked a little slim...
For a 2500 pt list I was thinking something like this against VC: Slann cube 3 powers (plus the free one) cupped hands of the old ones bsb Lv2...
for a 2500 pt list I was thinking something like this against VC: Slann cube 3 powers (plus the free one) cupped hands of the old ones bsb Lv2...
I had the same path of thinking as yourself. I would be amazed if those attacks were not counted as magical...but I figured better to find out...
With the relese of the new Lizardmen, my vampire count playing friend is "really pumped" to play against me and my 7th edition Lizzies....
Just a quick question; I've been reading on other sites and have seen many people say that the attacks generated by the EotG are NOT magical. say...