The best part is that if the GG were to wound you on a 2+ that means great weapons which means no parry save and they are going last even if they...
I never go anywhere without 2 units of chamelions and with the new march and shoot for skirmishers these guys are warmachine killers. Also in...
Its amazing what you learn when you think you know it all. It specifically states that razors CANNOT shoot after marching so I would say no-go for...
Now i consider myself a veteren of the Lizards having won many victories in 7th ed. and even more in 8th but a set of wordage has me confused and...
Its this fact that makes Dragon Princes very dangerous indeed. My hammer would cave the little fairys skull in but because its wreathed in flame...
I apologize for the lack of info. This list is 2250. Hw/sh=hand weapon and shield. And the razors and sallies are a full three beast strong.
Burning blade of chotec is a major win against flamable tk and regen having vc. Salamanders are the boss against skaven and thanks to the no...
I have been having a blast with the new edition. Here is my list that I built when I first read the store book and it has not changed. Oldblood:...
Yeah i mangled swordmasters with 3 sallies. High Elves don't tend to panic too often but if you make them dead you don't have to worry about them...
Great job brother. Way to use the chameleons also. I seem to be the only Lizard player in my area who love them.
I hate Vampires. Good Job man. What did you equip your scar vet and priest with?
If you want to bash stuff then spend for the ancient. All of those impact hits at the higher str. is awesome.
im just gonna use both. Picking up 3 razordons at the GW grand opening later this month. My sallies have yet to let me down. They mangled a unit...
Rev dont take this wrong but i pray you were using him wrong. We used him in a "red-rover-esque" game where all you had to do was get someone...
Old blood 4+ light armor 3+ cold one 1+ enchanted shield -1 Thats what i run with my trusted blade of realities and it has not failed me yet
It came from my buddy who works at the GW but he later recanted his statement because he got it mixed up with killing blow. I'm glad i didnt...
As Didleo stated if depends on your play style. Slann are a little more Tauesque in the fact that they have devestating ranged potential but not...
Don't forget our hatred for skaven. If anyone questions your battle simply state "The old ones will it." It's good to have a reason to scrap with...
Seeing how he has the same underbite snarl as my puppy he has to go in. And his name will be Gizmo. And i agree he is imposing as all hell. And...
Gor'Rok. The myth. The monster. The legend. He is an absolute beast and is one of the few hero characters that come close to justifying his point...