I thught all Greater Demons got a 4+ ward. Maybe thats in 40K. And just to put it out there. You cant poison things over a certain US. At least...
Yeah but the blade only works if he hasnt taken Obsidian Armor. Which if hes smart the Demon player will. Does anyone know the max armor save a...
Yeah unless i know there is going to be the armor that makes all magic weapons mundane on the table I am never leaving home without this amazing...
Ok so this was an on-the-fly 2000 pt battle and he didnt have much to work with so this was deemed a terribly built deamon list. even so here we...
The only way my kroxies were ever beat was on combat res. I charge, kill 4, lose combat but 3 and get a bad cold blooded roll and your lose. three...
Yeah man let us know what your list is so we can better assist you. 20 Saurus will kill (either outfight or combat res) anything in his list. Even...
His own. No General proximity or bsb re-roll. I used it twice today against a Tyrant and a great unclean one. The only problem we run into with...
Thanks for the back up Dalkarius. Yep every hit. 3 hit = 3 tests thats gotta make even LD.10 a little nervous. I just hope you can still take the...
I dont know if any knows yet but our "super weapon" costs less than 100 points and is being hailed as the most devestating weapon seen so far. And...
That many dice being cast is a great chance to either go great or.... 'splode. Try maybe the cube of darkness to stop the damage. The gunline is...
Isn't it great to see your biggest combat monster just sprinting into the flanks of his most deadly r@f unit rendering them useless. Great job...
Dawg i do believe the bane head is still there
We now have the best spearmen in the game. Dark elves can have their petty hatred and high elves can always strike first. I prefer the ability "21...
Lore of metal for the chaos. And probably shadow for the orks. Want to force as many Ld tests as possible to deal with Da Boyz. Now is it a...
Wow. I don't know which book he was showing you. On page 41 of the new book under our special rules the first one is for..... cold blooded. Roll 3...
Ok we've all seen the new models and if this is a double post forgive me. I have not had access to my computer for a couple wweeks now. I know i...
They are weak little goblins that do major damage if they touch you. They are toughness 3 with no armor so get the poisoned projectiles airborn....
My list: Scar-vet; LA,EC,HW. Spawnings; quetzl,sotek. 20 saurus. Hw/sh. Full Command x2 20 skinks. 10 were scouts 3 Kroxies w/ Ancient He had:...
With all of the new upgrades and changes coming in Feb. for us how do you think they will effect they way you play? I have just now learned the...
Rumors now say that the Jaguar Charm is a bound lvl.? Steed of Shadows.... could be good.?