And my favorite weapon comes into good use here. Burning blade. Seeing how the King will most likely be the toughest thing there discounting...
Yeah before x-bowmen in a DE army were a joke but now they are lethal. Whoda thunk that adding AP to a weapon would make it so much scarrier. Yeah...
Which elves were you fighting. While i know how destructive Asrai archery is (They are my main army) I also know that almost nothing in their army...
My rank doesn't show up when i post something. Am I forgetting to click on something in my profile? I'm only a skink but dangit they are probably...
Seeing how i am in love with most armies fast cav I would LOVE to see horned one riders. All of the special characters seem cool and if they are...
Plus any spare bodies from a common foe (Skaven always looks good) chewed up with a modeling knife and painted suitably bashed and torn always...
Congrats my friend. Hmm... to fight an orc and goblin army with no fanatics.... don't know what thats like.
The Temple Guard Champion's shield is the sickness i love it. I'm so glad i just traded for a Kroq-gar army and a battalion box. February needs to...
I am so freakin' stoked for this!!! Feb 09 will be an expensive month :bored: I cant wait.
ok i got to look at the new mortals book yesterday. pretty cool actually but page after page after page of flipping revealed 10 special...
I hope I hope I hope we get new plastics. I hate big metal models. Krox are ok but the new ones look amazing. And from what ive heard the guy...
Hi all. There is an upcoming event and was curious of your input. "Beastman Safari in the Drakwald Forest" (I'm excited cause i thought of it :))...
I have looked over nearly every army posted in the "army list" section and was just curious as to what are peoples favorites? I know that...
Man they are a little harder to put together than other cav. :) Just wanted to let you know i am back and looking forward to going to battle with...
I would assume OBoC is Old Blood on Carnosaur. If so then yeah, make sure you distract and redirect. Brets are very point, click, destroy. Not too...
Stupid new Dark Elves. Their new Cold One Knights are riding raptors. I can only hope that when we get our new models in 2009 that we get a cold...
i know Games workshop used to have a page with all of them but seeing how their website is now no fun to look at i was wondering if there are any...
Ok. Let me know what you would change. Here we gogo Hero JSoD w/ LA, GW, Shield, Quetzl, Sotek, Glyph necklace, Jaguar charm 178 Skink Priest w/...
Man, what happened to pencil and paper. maybe a calculator if your feeling really lazy. Writing army lists is part of the fun. Oh and as a side...
Just a quick suggestion. You should post your army list order going from Lords, Heros, Core, Special, Rare. Just so you dont confuse us simpler...