Y Make a real refutation then come back and see me mmk? Point is, they got buffed with Step Up especially with HWS. Whether or not they needed...
I stand corrected. Crystal clear and concise rules in 8th as well, I see. Glad I didn't glue any spears on yet. And yes, saurus needed a boost....
I disagree. It didn't need an FAQ. The new BRB states that a unit with spears "fight(s) in an extra rank." No mention of only 1 attack or making...
The game isn't just about marching all the way across the field and smacking your opponent any more. I'll have to look through all the scenarios,...
VC, TK and DoC took a hit from the Fear rule, but are far from cellar dwellers. Daemon lists will perhaps start to look different, but will still...
Honestly, I think the Slann should be immune to the frog scroll :p. "Hah! I turn you into a fr.....crap."
I have one built as an EotG and may buy another and magnetize it. With a Slammed with beasts or life, they could get icky. Raising skunk crew or...
Re: Painting schemes for my new Lizzie army While I am not a green Lizzie kind of guy, I like what you've done. Only things I would suggest is a...