I've been working on the throne for Kroak but i'm finding it more difficult than I thought it would be.. you guys know what I'm going to say next,...
sounds interesting, ill try that next time we battle..
im trying to get my Dad into playing! 4 way or teams of 2 work better than 3 way or 2 on 1 :p
ive slowly been making the solar engine, but i havnt been around much and have been distracted by other things such as destroying dwarves (my...
My force has grown since i started... Its great fun when i battle with my whole army! heres a pic of it. its not the best but its good for me!...
Thanks. ill look at it now :D
Also i am trying to make an aztec like temple. Any advice on how to paint it? +make vines growing on it? thanks to everyone for previous and...
Thanks! :-)
Ahhh! Ive spent all day trying to paint the stream of fire for my salamander but i cant get an effect i like! Heres what im using for the fire....
Oh.. i forgot to add the pic before posting! oops![ATTACH]
Ive got the putty on and the base started. im going to use sand to make rougher ground. I went to see my Grandparents so i havent been able to do...
thanks, ive now filled the gap with putty and working on a jet of fire coming from its mouth also im trying a lava base from the link you gave me,...
Holidays are great but i couldnt take my lizardmen :-( ive been thinking of getting more ranged units in my force and i like the rules for...
Thanks everyone, ill try glazing and highlights later. so far ive added the tail, head thing and made the shell darker. im thinking of making...
I tried to make the underside lighter by using the same colour with abit more white. but you cant really tell from the photo, did i have the right...
I havent done the highlights on the shell yet but heres an update. i did white in the crack to break it up but i dont know if it is working well...
I was thinking green shell and orange/ brown underside, and thanks for the link, it helped!
My other question is, does anyone know how to make a nice base for Mr.Basty with stuff i might have lying around?
How do you think is best to paint the shell? im thinking of going for the GW colour scheme (or as close as i can get with mixing the colours i have)
Ive started on my bastiladon. any help welcome, the reason i found lustria online was because i was looking for ideas and help for a bastiladon!!...