Thank you for sharing your list ! I have to admit, it looks really strong ! I'll see if I'll still try the chiefadon with prime warbeast, or not,...
Ok, nice, I will make that change to the list, it really seems better !
You recall correctly, it reads "1 Engine of the Gods or Stegadon with Skink Chief" !
Well yeah, Aetherquartz Brooch is really usefull, I had already forgotten the Thunder lizard command ability, which is in fact, why I included 2...
:( Why do you think so? What should I consider instead?
Hey guys, I am really thrilled with this new book. I want to come up with a TL list with Kroak, do you think this is viable ? What about this list...
True that ! seems good, I'll try this !
I'll probably go with the sun then, thank you ! About the artefacts, I was considering on equipping the Miasmatic Blade on the Slann or even the...
Kroak seems really fun to play with all the mortal wounds he can generate, I'm trying to integrate him in a list, so he could deal big damage...
Thanks for you answers, I listened to both of your advice and remodeled my list, what do you think ? Allegiance: Seraphon LEADERS Slann...
Hello guys, I am a new player and this is my first army list, as I don't have any experience I put what I thought would be good, or at least fun...