Swarms arnt as tacticaly inefficiant in my eyes as everyone makes them out to be. Although you should never base a units efficiency on spells, the...
Warriors of Lustria, loyal servants of the Old one, here my call to battle! I have read the plaques and all of the prophecy’s read the same. The...
Hey guys found this little tactic... Which my dwarf mate described as the tactical nuke of warhammer. Take a slann give him heaven, both focus and...
1 Jungle swarm...
Hey guts I'm on my iPod so my spelling is going to be worse than ever :( doing outline of list Oldblood, giant sword, armour of fortune, potion of...
Hey guys been away a while but i spotted this and thought i should raise a point Dont army book rules overight 8th rules... ( i cant quote) but...
Just to point out unless im mistaken its called forces of order and forces of destruction Chaos strives in one way or another for destruction,...
For an 800 point league i intend to field an oldblood as general, the plan being that i mount him on a cold one with a halberd for a bit of...
If your going for an epic climactic battle (or a might empires) then the continental realignment (did i spell that right?) would work the slann's...
dont know ifa anyone wants the original stats but i stole this link of the site a while back http://sgabetto.free.fr/Telechargements/nakai.pdf...
Meh dark eldar won :(
Stegadon chariot. end of story.
then enemy go move malleus chrges lord mazamundi gunline shoots a bit kills some bret pesants malleus moves up and whacks the slaamanders not...
From the title many of you will faint SO when in beginners I was playing lizards teemed with the store owners brettonians Vs. dark elves and...
Ahh warm bloods quick everyone act natural...
I just liked the idea of a quick killing leader who was tougth as nails halberd is +1 strenth and horned one has higher IN without stupidity for...
New list Vet (gen) with a halberd LA a horney coldone the posion of a frog and a potion that when drunk make one foolhardy 2X20 saurus warriors...
ok this shows i have too much time on my hands Slann lore of light or shadow Prophet of sotek skink cohort X 50 with as many krox as possible...
Anger not thy moderators lest thy wrath destroy thee still i would switch razerdon for sally and unless im mistaken there is a cheeper banner...
After gaming today with another servent of the olf one and some unwitting warmblood pawns (high elves) i have concluded the following No more than...