Might be worth pointing out that one box is normally one regiment so as you can only field 20 skink skirmishers with blowpipes...
List so far Old blood with golden sword (I10) la and shield 2 priests both lvl 2 13 man cohort with drummer and brave 2 x12 skirmishers both with...
Just a note you dont nessicarily want a full blown list just pointers
Ok guys im requesting a favour for thoes who dont know its 800 point tournament and this year my school is (hopefuly) entering as such im having...
Ok people i cant seem to make a poll so my half attempt Dark eldar and greyknights are two of the lets say forgotten armies of 40k The Dark...
Ok people help me out My first proper 8th edition game and I got dwarfs (great) It’s happening Sunday His list is in a typical dwarf fashion a gun...
Dude 2 things firsty is it a friendly coz if not i have some stuff for you we have 3 thing in liz book which only work on skaven pelt banner...
Anyone recon the prophet of sotek is worth it now eth edition where its percentage especcialy skink armies, hell its a 1/3 chance he can turn into...
Orders received Oosterloo Portent of fars general got to the edge of the jungle and looked out to the sea. his boat was moored there just of the...
The gortrex and felix books mention that the paths of the old ones (shudders as purple lightning strikes) still work nbut they have been err...
I find that a skink chief with dagger of sotek and feather cloak kicks butt now too just fly him in and insti kill the crew (works on mages too)
I played it like in 7th working on the fact that the slann isnt stupid enough to try and take on (in this case orion the relativly big wood...
As far as i know (and im by no means a veteran) you declare who it is at the start of the match. This would represent the user picking up the head...
Quick question im probably being a bit of a frube but can you stack cupped hands with throne of vines. Only that would seem you know kinda......
not sure how other play him but i go for both focuses and lore of shadows + bane head course this will all change tmorrow with 8 edition coming...
My mistake and i found the link for the sau lists too http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2046&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=20
Ok guys i was looking around the website (before i had an account) and i found an old blood carno combernation. it was mega overpowered but as my...
This represents the average warmbloods in ability to function after there spine has been severed and throat removed... never really understood that?
Thank you kurlin i feared this to be the case with the plaques very well i may add additional saurus to compensate for tswarms plus additional plaque
Hey guys my first list and post on our wonderful website Praise the old ones Ok it’s a general list which seems to have accidently gone magic...