cool fluff, sound s like one of my older list! kkep it coming. :D camo-skink
may the blood, guts, and gore be pure enough to sacrifice to the great serpent god sotek! GO LIZARDMEN!!!!!!!! camo-skink
i just posted to sing up for surface warlords if there are any slots left.
how do you join and play battles? bythe way i already have a under empire account since i'm going to start skaven when the new edition comes...
thanks, and my sotek be with you! and where might said online campaigns be, could you give me a link? camo-skink
WOW, THAT IS AMAZING, AS USUAL! i love the images in the portal! great addition! camo-skink
looks good, i've got a ton of scrap wood hanging around so i might be able to make a few. i bet you could add a bit more of detail if you painted...
i'm running an all skink army as well, and am trying to spend most of my points on other units that are great for supporting a low strength army...
yeah, good luck to your army! and may the old ones and sotek be with you! :smug: camo-skink
i'm thinking of getting some extra chameleon skinks that i can use to switch out with a unit of terrradons, so i'll have two special combinations...
but since terradons move as skirmishers being flying cavalry they don't turn or wheel, they simply move. so why would it not be allowed?
awesome photo! and you right that flanking with a skink kroxigor unit is normally what i do and that most of the time breaks the enemy unit, if i...
thanks for clearing that up , and congrats on your new rank! camo-skink
i find units of two razordons, or at least in my case, much more effective than just one. and i didn't quite understand how alone, salamanders...
a method i like to use is the toll booth tactic, basicly you put them in a place where many units will have to pass by, say a bridge, in a safe...
sorry for poorly interpreting my idea, but yes i did mean have the skinks fire one turn then charge the next, and when saying weakening front line...
for core choices in an all skink army it is a must to have skink cohorts with kroxigor in them, they are after all the best core close combat unit...
Re: 3K Light Cheese list (for taking on DE *shudder*) :meh: go skinks, go skinks, do the skink dance, do the skink dance! :meh: i'm happy that...
other reasons why people call engines cheesy, is because they have the ability to cast special spells for which they don't have to roll for, can't...
Deep in the steaming Southland jungles, on the base of the World's Edge Mountains lies a ruined temple-pyramid, pillaged by pirates, thieves, and...