you know since your 2 level 2 skink priests are on engines of the gods they go up one level, so they are actually level 3 wizards, but if the...
i wish that every time a new army book was about to come out, it held a contest for the races players to create a new unit or character, and the...
well the culchans couldn't be cold blooded since they're birds, but you can make them just a feathered reptile. they could be another sub species...
oh, cool. sorry i didn't understand. awesome unit! camo-skink
i think it's really cool man! but about the movement d6+2 role, it should be for every 6" move you can roll that amount. this representing...
oh, my bad. i meant it to be sotek. :oops: but, i guess i could add a story to it saying that stoek is sotek's twin.
my bad. i was just giving advice that others gave to me.
awesome replies everyone. you know what would also be an awesome character, a skink priest on a giant snake in honor of stoek! skink war priest:...
have you ever wanted there to be a unit or character that would be perfect for you? then right it down here with all its stats, special rules,...
just to re-define the question, if you have only enough points to choose one which would be better for a large army? camo-skink
in a skink heavy army which is better to field, salamanders or terradons? camo-skink
well i was thinking just keep it near some of my skinks to cast portent of warding, but all in all i don't know how i'll play it, was just...
very nice list, your opponent is definitely going to have a difficult time with two stegadons on the board, especially since one of them i an...
i hate misfire. :rage:
Re: aming for new 2500 point all skink army i was hoping the same thing. (some people just can't take the sheer awesomeness. :meh: ) anyway, i...
thanks for the info, but what if the enemy sustains few casualties and passes its panic test?
i would also second the thought of getting terradons. they are great for charging flanks and rears, and also picking off war machine crew early...
i've played with both razordons and salamanders before, and maybe i was just lucky but they worked well for me. really it's how well they play...
i'm now aim for this new army that's exactly 2459pt. heros: 117pt - 1 skink chief w/ blowpipe, light armor, shield, stegadon helmet 430pt - 1...