The carnosaur is faced with a huge handful of problems, the most notable one being his huge lack of manouvreability Remember that in the 7th ed...
Alright, so i have a tournament coming up in about eight weeks, its a simple and effective comp and there is 100 places so it should be a good...
Well you need to find 25points to make your Slann the BSB, it would be crazy not to take that in my opinion
Kroak has one spell level 2 empire wizard gets in 12" uses rod of power ( i think, its some arcane item) steals a spell and removes it from the...
Anything can go into a unit as long as it isnt a large target, which is one of the reasons why the carnosaur is no longer a large target However...
celestial shield is remains and play and will be dispelled should the skink priest cast any other spells whilst it is in play And i think you'll...
Unfortunately it seems everyone is going down a road of picking every army list and stating how powerful they are. Every single army has the...
if the stone thrower actually hits your target, and then you fail your 2+ look out sir, then he wounds you, then you fail your 4+ ward save and...
Just a quick post to say that anyone who plays warhammer fantasy, especially new to lizardmen but also veterans since at the end of the day our...
it is 5 with musician and standard to be fair its only got 13 power dice, and in 3000points armys could go way cheesier than that if they wanted...
Lord Kroak 600points General Slann Mage Priest 400points Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, BSB, Soul of Stone Skink Priest 405points...
Engine of the Gods is a must, but i would be tempted to give the priest a ward save talisman against any killing blow shots. Also i must say that...
Personally if there is a a handful of war machines in their army i leave the engine at home But if your fighting warriors of chaos then...
Take a bsb skink chief with the banner of prophecy 'unit causes fear', stick him in a massed unit of skinks with 3 Kroxigors. All you need...
A quick note regarding the curse charm and cupped hands combo; 'One use only. If the bearer miscasts roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the bearer...
In my 1500point games i field 20 temple guard and i have to say that the totem of prophecy has worked every time. More often than not you are...
Well its certainly a magic list although i would like to share some of my personal opinions on it; Firstly your Slann is a bit over the top in my...
I probably wont be using the scar vet to be going for treemen, il be wounding on 5's and hitting on 4's (assuming treeman ws is 3 minimum) so ive...
So playing Ogre Kingdoms today, nice friendly match, keeping the cheese to a minimum. But then the dim witted ogres pulled a fast one on me,;...
Ok so the Lizardmen have recently been getting real ticked off with the skirmishing woodies and in particular the engine annihilating wardancers...