I will sure answer those questions! 1. High T and bad save is often dealt with using Poisoned Javelins, the Tomb Kings Sphinxes (T8 5+) are a...
Also, even though i have not been very active lately, i have been playing some 9th so i am more then ready to receive requests for that now :)
Hello there! Sorry for the somewhat late reaction, i have been very busy lately. Will look at your list now though! :). First off, you have more...
Yes, we have our beloved skirmishing poisonous bastards back! :D. I'm sure they will cost a fortune now, but they are worth it. Tbh, i feel as if...
That is very nice to hear. My dirty mind interprets Full Player Service in some ways, none of which are wargaming related, but i am sure your...
Both can get Stomped just as any other infantry model. The Slann in 8th has this weird rule that they do not count as being on foot, but the only...
In a way, this is an issue that solves itself. As long as there is a community that wants a high quality and competitively focused ruleset that...
I like to just keep them cheap, but i have not played him much. 130 is he now, base? That's already a really good baseline for such a cheap...
Hi everyone! Now that 1.0 has finally landed we can expect the rules to be stable for at least the next half year so that finally provides the...
The increase in price made them a lot less effective. I still field one regularly, as it is nice to have a fast monster killer and can opener, but...
I still feel that AOS is aimed at a more casual crowd which is in my perspective a wrong basis to work from. Let's face it, tabletop miniature...
This is very interesting news, and it fixes the major gripe i have with AOS, with stupid SC's and a lack of depth as the other two gripes. This...
It all looks pretty ok, a lot of improvements are made when compared to 8th, i just cannot really be enthousiastic about it because of the skink...
I know man, no worries ;) And i take it that you mean the American side of the pond? It really is not a problem here, at all. No words are...
Is the word fuckery not allowed on this forum? Dear moderators, i meant i completely in the academic sense of the word, meaning ''general...
Hi all, with the new rules i though i would try the new Skinks out, because well, at least they have poison back i guess. I still think they are...
We could maybe make one,, for 9th edition if the main book is out, or are you planning on making a tactics database as you made for 8th? You...
I think people will quickly figure out that this is the best way to play now, Cuatl, TG, lots of Sauri and filling the rest with chaff and anti...
People often forget that maths and statistics give no certainty in games, even though they can be a big help. When talking about game balance in a...
Hiya! First of all, Skinks are absolutely terrible in close combat, you should never put them in a fight and expect them to win. The Skrox is the...