How does one kill, that what cannot be killed? You ask a hard question here Scalanex ;) If i would go cheesy and if i would have the models, i...
Seems like a reasoanble list, and to be honoust i have never seen a competitive Kroak list, so i do not know how well that would work. The biggest...
Know how you feel Scalanex, campaigns are great as long as they work, but as they require a lot of work from a lot of people to work, they tend to...
This made my day XD
We are all in denial ;(. I feel you bro.
Yeah, it is all really expansive when you start thinking about it, Warhammer in that definition has a lot more options then a videogame....
You raise some reasonable points, but i think you are missing the point why the Cloud is as strong as it is. From a net gain standpoint, it is...
Thanks, am interested to see what people here think. It is a somewhat deeper approach on the hobby then we normally take, i actually think that...
Hello yall. Did not really know where to put this one, but this seems to be the most appropriate place. As part of my Gaming Studies and Cultural...
Your save will not be great, but your opponent will not really know that. Do not forget that your opponent does not know what items your are...
Yeah, i feel that you really lack CC power. I mean, you will dish out a lot, but other armies are better at what you are trying here. I think you...
Yeah well, that is a massive issue here it seems. Do not want to get into that particular can of worms, just think that it does not really matter...
Wow wow wow wait. You never use the Riders save for anything anymore with the new rules, you just use the innate save of the Tyrannosaurus. Will...
You are welcome! I am also at St Nicolas festivities myself, live in Holland. Have fun tonight!
Done, would love to see the final results!
People are often more then happy enough to fill in surveys, as long as they are not to long ;).
Well, we did come up with an entirely different list XD ;). Putting remarks on units themselves in bold or another colour always makes them more...
Hi Skink Chief! On the holy plaques left by the Old Ones i do hereby solemnly swear that i have not seen your other list, this page is the one i...
A list that uses COR against Skaven, well that is hard. COR are not our strongest units, even though the 2 attacks on the Raptors do help a lot....
Well, you have the bases for an infantry focussed list. Monsters only start being good if you have multiple ones, this saturates the targets for...