Yep it is as @Canas says but Curse of Fate + Kroak dice can still affect it
A nice photo indeed, have a great start !
Yes it does for sure. I 've been working with this long time. Never tried double tp due to rolling 1s all the time so I went for the Vast...
Just keep in mind for later on : Mixed Saurus / Skink lists don't really work since the batallions are pretty much separated and the tax is too...
Welcome aboard ! Couldn't agree more with @Killer Angel, first decide which models you like most and we 'll figure out the best list together :D
Well it's not like it ever triggers.. at least hasn't for me in 8 battles..
ahahaha you got me good there:D
Congratulations, you are more than a decade younger for sure and probably better than me already ! Good job and keep loving our awesome hobby :D
Let me say just how much I love your blog ! Astonishing basing and awesome miniatures. Inspiration indeed !
Welcome aboard ! Let me start by saying that your first miniatures are just impressive. You are off to an amazing start good job ! I agree with...
Hello again guys, so as you have adviced me back in the day that I 've asked about it, I keep an eye on the thunderbeast host on ebay etc. May I...
I actually like your idea very much @Aginor , this could be LOTS of fun
Breath taking battlereport, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and wisdom of the loss. This is always the most important thing one can...
At a 1000p battle I would definitely prefer the warrior way - Sunclaw with 1 x40 + 2 x10 and 2 starpriests. 1 for spamming summon starlight and 1...
I agree with the idea of trying to avoid his important unit - kite it and kill synergies while on the run. @Arawn 's list is nice but astrolith...
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT? How does that make sense in any way ??? You sir are having a GREAT DAY !
I LOVE the result. Looks even better than the initial idea before painted. May I ask how did you manage such an awesome base work ? I love it and...
By the way guys, this was discussed I think at some point but honestly can't recall : We can't buff them with Starpriests' attack as it deals...
I surely do not consider myself the most optimistic guy but the more I play AoS the more balanced it feels ! The MW spam definitely needs to be...
Hahaha true story :D:p