Ι 've written quite many but I will probably make 1 for yesterdays' losses to share the thoughts I earn from them
One of the most enjoyable battlereps ! Awesome pictures, really nice analysis and description. Good job on your victory ! Those 1s.. I feel ya, I...
Oh my DEAR LORD. OH GOD :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: This might as well be the most impressive, excellently painted and artistic thing I 've ever...
I rarely get amused by computer programs, but the result is just too good. Love the idea a lot too ! Edit : Wait, don't tell me that this is...
Haha well as an opponent I would take that lack of FAQ a bit bitter, so I'd suggest to only do it at rude opponents as it doesn't make sense with...
To be honest, excluding some really specific lists, it feels like going 2nd worths it more in the majority of fights. I am looking forward to a...
This makes your list even stronger and you now actually managed to have 3 serious threats - I think I never managed this so far. What left to do...
- Wow I never used the razordons wrong and yet somehow I completely messed up while writing. You don't even need them due to Slanns' reroll...
My face was exactly the same with the ones shown above. Me neither (also laughed a lot at it :D ) Good thing I usually forgot !
While I am not a huge fan of them most of the times, I believe you should definitely invest those last 40 points in skink handlers. I would anyway...
So far I 've been solely testing Vast Intellect. This Sunday I'm gonna give my first try with double teleport. Main reason not to so far is :...
Really cool :D
Thank @Aginor, my Iron Hands army might actually happen at some point judging by the test results :cool:
Oh no no I m bad at that. I intend to buy the blister once - for a unit of 10 for example and multiply it :p That's why I wanna see how it worked...
Oh and also I would like your opinion after you complete some of your tests : I am thinking of making an Iron Hands army at some point. Not...
Can't wait to hear the results ! Would be really useful for some special old blood heads for leaders !
Guys brace yourselves, they still getting stomped by many armies in high end tournaments :D
What a coincidence, I was thinking myself that I could might as well use those last 350ish points I end up having in some of my lists with...
What do you mean ? You can also put 20, 30, up to 4. Just 10 is the only number to increase the size !
Let's hope the ll answer fast !