And thank god it does because in 11 teleports so far I ve rolled 7 1s and I am not even kidding :eek: Also never rolled 5+ ever so far for...
I would expect the port that allows a Shooring phase during the HERO phase. Given the gunlines and buffs.. expect a rain. A painful, bloody rain....
This is a truly beautiful model, those feathers are amazing !
Hmm.. you are right about that.. I am confused now haha :confused:
It says "as many as he wants as long as it is from different batallions / bullets" and there are only 3 different ! It covers the restriction when...
Unfortunately no ! These are spells exactly like the rest, with all the spell limitations of range included AND count as spells. So if you summon...
Ye try it and tell us the result with a battlereport please ! :rolleyes: Remember : The summoning of the batallion does count as spells. So you...
I am no experienced general with firelance but I doubt that this size of knights will ever get to hit more than 75%. I d also say to take off 5...
Well to be honest, Dracothians Tail against an experienced opponent really is just to get the extra artifact and 1drop. Cause if you don't have...
Oh wow, these are actually look good ! You got quite the skill with greenstuff dont ya ? I 'll have to train that as well at some point * trying...
Haha couldn't agree more with @Aginor and @Crowsfoot ! :rolleyes:
Definitely drop the x10 warriors. I 've used them many times and are a very interesting unit but not on units of 10. You just pay an incredible...
I am building Stegadon oriented lists these days. I 'll work with this -3 rend * 1 stega, not spam * with some combinations and let you know how...
Or a 2nd Starpriest for stronger magic presence and a 2nd jaws buff :D;)
The main problem I am opposing to my list building so far is that when I make an army that can deal easier with hordes, my strength against armor...
This is why rend is THAT powerful and most people don't realise !
No love for sallies till they change one of the top 3 ugly - if not ugliest model in GW range :p:confused:
Well the unique / custom way is definitely the best when it works. Everyone believed us to be underpowered in GH1 - and we did have many...
Finally someone went out and said it. Show the pictures already !
Take your time and love your miniatures one at a time. No need to rush, create your army steadily and enjoy the most out of it !