I'm not voting as I rarely play and I'm focusing on improving painting. KOW is a good game, very easy to get into and when I did play it I loved it.
Very nice, even thought he is monotone you have used the greens well, easy to distinguish each section, the scroll work is good, it looks like you...
Welcome aboard ;)
If that's your first attempt at painting I'm impressed. You can take the Horns and teeth a bit further as they look monotone atm. The spear head...
Nah, I'm going Troggoths got 4 incoming and that will be it this year, finish my board and terrain this year.
Warscryer Citadel conversion done. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comments welcome.
Warchanter converted to the Warpainter! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comments welcome.
Yeah it's defo an airbrush job.
Welcome aboard, if you plan on painting more than one skink why not start a painting blog and get some well deserved comments.
Skeletons are hard to paint especially the tiny details, you have to panel line to pop the detail but another way is glazing. Try glazing with...
Yeah that looks good so far ;)
I will try @PrivateLazer Brown scales, Base Rhinox hide then Doombull brown highlight. Orangey scales, Base Tau light ochre, no highlight....
I do, purely from a painting view, the Ironjawz have sat in a drawer for over 12 months, also I'm selling the SCE I painted the test model and it...
I’ve ordered a Trogg boss and some Troggs so far, now I’m debating selling the Ironjawz and buying Squigs
I think they are aimed at youngsters, if you look at toys around the age 8-10 they all look like this big heads small bodies, lol dolls for...
An author will always be influenced by their surroundings and that has to come into their stories, the article you linked does cover some valid...
Welcome, build them all with one weapon type if you can. Get some pics up when you start painting, in fact start a blog and if you need any help...
And I thought I had alot of Lizards!!! Impressive most Impressive ......
Yeah it's pretty easy to get 20% off in the UK