I've decided to still get some Trogs with discount it's £58 for a box of Trogs and a Trog boss, you can get the Mangler for £38
Welcome back @Rikard ;)
I only wanted to ally the Trogs with Ironjawz now I'm really pissed off.....
I've just received my Gloomspite Gitz Battletome and to say I'm disappointed is an understatement. Allies, Bonesplitterz, Gitmob Grots and...
Q1. If Unit "A" kills unit "B" and has unused missle attacks I would say they can target another unit. Q2. As @Audvin has stated models can't be...
The Idea is to give my kids the GW paints so they have their own setup and they might start painting more.
Not really I wanted to start moving away from GW paints but yeah I have around 300 pots now!
Play the objective game, try to keep out of range etc, use the rippers to wipe heros.
Ditch the bearer and bring in more bodies, 6 rippers will kill anything at the point level.
Get in my blog then and comment on the SCE, yes you can do it, from a painting view not the faction, go on.
Shadowstrike at low points is lethal, nothing more to say really, go melt faces.
I still have loads to do, I've just spent £200 on new paints!
I've copied and pasted from the source.
All I can say is take a model and practice on it, now the best model to practice on is a space marine as they have large flat surfaces. Paint...
While the scythe looks good I think it would look better if you cut of the top just below the ring and turned it 180 degrees.
Razordons don't need handlers saving you points, (Salamanders need the handlers to increase range) also they do decent damage where as Salamaders...
These are going to look so good.
This is just the news I needed, just when I'm saying to the wife "I don't need to buy any models" :D
It's actually bluey grey, start with a base of Fenrisian grey, wash with Drakenhoff nightshade then highlight with Ulthuan grey, to highlight just...