It sure does! Can't wait to see how this will shake the Meta!
This month I aim to: -Finish painting my Disciples of Tzeentch army list which I need to get done for the 24th, as I have a big tournament coming...
Didn't they mention somewhere that you get 4 gravesites, 2 in your deployment zone and 2 in your opponent's?
Well there is just so many variables that it is hard to really pin down how efficient this new form of summoning will be. I'm thinking of...
Pretty sure it says points from your reserve pool, I don't have the actual rules before me to quote.
But it not being mentionned anywhere doesn't mean it doesn't cost points. It just says that you need contagion points instead of summoning with a...
We would need to be allegiance Order then, which makes us lose one of the most important tool for a bastiladon; Teleportation. :confused:
You still need to have points put aside in your list to get the summoning, don't you?
I don't know, I actually like what we've seen so far from the models, but I understand it is maybe not for everyone!
Great report! That list seems to have great turn 1 potential with all the shooting and the double teleporting bastiladons! (Rolling 2 6's is just...
They do look very good!
Buffs over there, nerfs over here, all in all I like when they update warscrolls, it means they've put thought into each one. We can't really...
Hey y'all! I've been looking to start listening to some AoS Podcasts while I do my painting! From what I could gather on the internet, the...
Same for me! Can't wait!
What ability from the Sisters of the Thorn are you reffering to? Their spell is a reroll save with a chance of dealing back a MW. Could you have...
Well their whole allegiance ability is about shooting and kiting their enemies, can we really call it cheese when it's the prime mechanic of the...
I would actually be quite happy if the wanderers got some new models, I like keeping them seperated form the dryads and such. I've always looked...
My girlfriend just started her collection with some Wanderers models because she wanted to paint them, I wouldn't mind them getting a sweet...
What about the Wanderers? Do you think they'll be classified as Light Elves or will they remain an entire faction of their own? o_O
That last part about Slaanesh eating too many souls and being captured is true. From my understanding, he was hiding while digesting all of those...