I feel like one of the biggest threat in my army is the Bastiladon, especially when combined with my Astrolith bearer. Shooting 2D6 rerollable...
That's the spirit! Make sure to show us your painted models when done! :)
Hello guys I know that the meta is still very young, with the General's Handbook's release just weeks ago, but can any of you tell us about the...
I always felt like GW should have provided us with a small point cost(or probably medium sized point cost, I'm just now realizing how powerful...
Hey guys, This is my first Battle report, so bear with me as I might not specify every little details... This was an instore tournament run at my...
Also you edited out the Lol at the end of your sentence? Why explain to me what it meant if you're just gonna edit it out anyway, you really are...
Im not gonna "go away", especially since i'm the one who started this thread. I'm just gonna ignore your comments and find real, valuable...
Here comes the condescending comments again, Dude tells everyone to not be a dick but finishes his replies with attitude ''Lol''s. You're the worst.
Just to clarify, are you using BOTH of the battle traits?
3 rippers have done it for me so far, with about 5 games using 'em they never dissapointed me and I never felt as though I needed more! Anyone...
In the begining of the MATCHED PLAY section in the General's Handbook 2017 (Sorry, don't currently have the book with me so I don't know the exact...
40 pts now means 1 more razordon/salamander, which really makes you think more about the choice you're making!
If I'm not mistaken, the teleportation ability says that the MOVEMENT phase gets used when teleporting, not the charging phase!
Hey great battle report, once again! Quite an interesting game, especially where the fatigue comes into play after so many hours of competitive...
Still waiting to see these battle reports! :D
That is not certainly not hypocrisy, sorry if that's the way you see it. Anyways, welcome to lustria ;)
Wow no need to get all worked up over 1 sentence. The guy can't even assume a little funny mistake, geez.
This made me giggle
As of the General's Handbook 2017, the only change is in points to both these models, which is 60pts to 40pts. What I think needs adressing is the...
Hey guys! I know the Razordon vs Salamander is an old subject of debate, both being really good at what they do, but I feel like we need to stir...