I'm the same about mold lines. It takes me a long time to clean and build a model. Yes, those Saurus Knights are finicky models to put together.
Yes, I use that model as my Slann. I bought it from a merchant on Etsy. You're right, the "standard sized" version of the model is bigger and on a...
I like how casual the Imperial Guard look as they're being overrun by Tyranids. Just another day at the office.
Wait for GW to decide that Salamanders have had a good run, but they need to be "rested."
I think this Be'lakor paint job is insanely good!...
I hate to just "jump on the bandwagon", but those new Eldar pirates look pretty cool....
Holy smokes! Those skinks make a very impressive looking cohort. Lovely paint jobs. It's nice to see what Contrast with a little traditional...