To be a bit more fair about picking one of the actual choices, I'd probably have to go Red Pill. If I'm reading the choices correctly, that's the...
Interesting. I'll choose... [ATTACH]
That IS a great paint job, especially on the face. I also really like the Maul. Your SW models have been fun to see. Well done!
I'm interested in playing a Dracothian's Tail, or maybe Fangs of Sotek army, but I don't have any Sallies (or Razors). I considered Chameleon...
Happy Birthday!
First, Happy Birthday! :jawdrop: That cake is INSANELY cool! Bravo to Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER. It would have been cool to place it atop a layer of...
Hmm... that's a good question. Honestly, I think the "rule of cool" always applies for anything you buy. If you like a mini, then buy it and try...
Did you fill in gaps on the Drakespawn with green stuff or just let it go?
An interesting list, but I'm not sure it will see victory often. Just taking the list as is... Consider making the Scar-Vet your general in order...
@Lord-Marcus, Have you heard of Siocast plastic? I just saw a video from Goobertown Hobbies talking about it. It looks pretty interesting.
Interesting. I didn't know about the midwest warehouse.
And have yet one more. I'm sure I've used this before, but... [IMG]
Bite your tongue ;)
Congrats @Lizards of Renown!
From what I understand, production and shipping delays are still a big problem for some things. I imagine that is really contributing to GW's odd...
When two great ideas collide!
First, welcome to Lustria Online and welcome back to the hobby! As far as I know, you are correct. Provided that your models are GW models, it...
Indeed. Oh well, I was hoping for some tease on Malekith and his shadowy army.
Sigh... see what I mean. Not enough AoS (seriously, we haven't played in many months). I forgot that too... and kind of want to edit that post so...
Not shadow demons, but still interesting. Nice looking models in cool poses. SUPER minor nitpick, but I don't know that I like the slightly more...