They look pretty good.
A baptism by fire indeed. Fire seems crazy challenging to paint, let alone models made almost entirely of fire. They look really good so far. Well...
Agree Agree Agree. The sculpts are just blah. Very repetitive and not interesting enough. Oh well.
I was not impressed with the Underworlds warband models this time. Being that it hasn't been mentioned, I imagine no one else is either?
Touché. I missed that. Ha ha. You're right, they should have been 18" at least, if not 24". I guess GW wants to keep them more close combat....
Lumineth redux. In a vacuum, I don't mind this b/c it is a nice bump for NH since they didn't have any shooting before. Plus, I sort of like the...
That is a pretty bad@$$ painting of Ventress.
And I thought those red shirts were in trouble before! :vulcan:
So Vince Venturella reviewed Fyreslayers on Warhammer Weekly. Although Vince himself claims to not be a fan, the trio make the book sound very...
Nice. Between just this and @Lord-Marcus it shows that Fyreslayers could be more rounded out as an army.
That's great. A Gondorian house with a working bathroom... oh wait, never mind. ;). A lovely building with such nice detail. Good luck on the...
I think the riders are actually fairly close to GW saurus, but probably still a little bigger. The mounts are much bigger. Check out this video at...
I find that kind of hard to believe. Hmm... I might have you topped there, sir. I probably have 2 "totally painted" lizards. I have about 20 total...
All good ideas. However, I wonder if GW wants to keep Fyreslayers more melee/short range "foot troops"? So, probably not flaming crossbows?...
It's a really cool model. My main criticism is that the king is hard to differentiate from the other units. I understand that helps maintain a...
I think you've talked about this in another thread, but what unit(s) do you think would make a good addition to Fyreslayers? Do you think there's...
I'm no expert, but I don't think you'll find "non-metallic" color shift paint b/c of how the effect is achieved. There will virtually always be...
Crap! Oh well, that shows you what I know about GW models. I had been out of Warhammer for so long before I came back to AoS that I just assumed.
Honestly, I missed twice b/c I picked two models. For different reasons I guessed both #2 and #23. Ha ha ha. #2 because from the small photo it...