Re: Fast lizardmen armylist !!!!! 1894 points No magic items? There are many useful items for this guy, the drum or diadem + scroll are good...
If you want mobility then War drum is a must on the old blood. The cost on the scar vet is wrong tho, should be 160. Other than that it looks good.
Looks very solid over all but there are a few things I would change. The Slann: Magic resistance isnt really nescessary, few spells is any real...
Looks good except you can't play with 8 skinks + kroxigor, minimum size is 10 and kroxigors are upgrades and does not cout towards the units min size.
I was typing up a reply, but hit the preview button and saw that Mavrick beat me to it, and on top of that said almost exactly the same as me! I...
Hydras have a 4+ scaly where AP is great, treemen are another good example where the BBoC is way better, against regular rank and file or knights...
Your cold one scar-vet has a very unusual set up, Burning Blade + Enhanted shield / maiming shield, Sword of Might + Enchanted shield / maiming...
If he takes a horned one he cant take the Skavenpelt flag which kind of defeats the purpose of taking a skink bsb ^_^
The biggest problem with this character set up is the high risk of rolling bad spells and a large part of how the game will play out is determined...
16 TGs is generally considered the optimum size for a TG + Slann unit. The champ isnt really nessesary but has its uses, but the musician is...
Actually chariots are affected by poison, on page 96 of the BRB it says because a chariot includes elements that is vurnarable to poison (steeds,...
If you were thinking that set up on a terradon chief then its impossible as you cant have AHW unless you are on foot. If you meant that this chief...
If a character and his mount has a combined US of 5 he can be targeted and dont get the Look out, sir! rule. If he is on a cold one his US is 2...
Well you kinda lack skink skirmishers, they are pretty vital. Movement 4 death stars are easy as hell to dodge, and yours have frenzy. A smart...
No magic defence, no magic weapons? In a tournament you definitly need some magic defence, a level 2 with diadem and a scroll should work pretty...
I assume Geko meant the pink on the shields on the sides (looks a little odd imo, can't really picture the turtle or reptile that shell comes...
From a purely competative perspective; some more troops or a scar vet is much better. The thing is playing with what's best is rarely as fun as...
As mentioned Biting blade on a skink priest is a little silly, -1 armor save on a single WS2 S3 attack? No thanks. Staff of the lost sun is really...
Yeah, I've never played with chiefs (for a reason) but I'm gonna try it out and see what happends, but I agree 100% that a scar vet would be a far...
Hmm never thought about that, but if you look on page 91 in the LM book the Special rules listed for the terradon as a mount is; Hit and Run,...