Personally I always take a Slann, 100% of the time. The Slann is just too good to pass up imo. LD9 is a huge difference from the oldbloods 8, and...
Edit; Ah, you're right, I'm still stuck in the 6th ed book sometimes :S
In this thread there is a sallie vs razordon discussion at the end that sums them both up pretty well:...
I've had a lot of success with this exact set up minus the power stone and BSB, incredible caster (and stones are awesome with rumination, turning...
The EoTG is fantastic, just takes some time to get used to (like any unit). You should count on gettin around a 7" range on the Alignment, which...
Yeah Kroq'gar is pretty avarage and costs a lot of pts, but as he makes a cav unit core he is essential for this particular build. If you want to...
Good point, which is why I suggested the diadem on a lvl 1 on the EoTG. Also its impossible to add an enchanted shield to the scar vet as his...
Imo lvl 2 won't do any good, chances are you wont roll any decent spells and even if you do you won't get many successful casts with only 3 dice...
While I agree 12 pts for 1 attack is steep, I often switch my characters around to where they are needed, especially my scar vets. Doesnt hurt to...
0 Your shooting range: 12". Flying or cav charge range: 14-20", no way are you gonna get any shooting off properly, especially against flyers....
How is this point denial? Most of the time you are gonna be forced to place your character with the skinks or thye risk getting picked off by...
Steal Soul has 12" range, no smart Tomb King player will place his Hierophant within 12" of your slann when you already declared that he is the...
No not really, the only set up that ever worked was an old set up called Flying Skink of Doom, which nowadays is a Skink of Minor Annoyance...
The EoTG provides excellent magic defence, a level 2 priest with the diadem will produce 6 DDs, which should be enought to stop 2-3 key spells...
I dont have this problem at all. Always place them in a positiion where the enemey dont want to charge them, like just behind diff terrain. They...
Very true, you much rather wipe the unit than just cause a ton of S4 hits. On the other hand its much easier to have a Slann within 24" range than...
Yeah in the Aquatic description it says that marshes, rivers, lakes or any other water feature, so anything that contains water counts (you must...
Glad the article could be of some help. This was pretty much the same first impression I got when I opened the book before play testing them but...
I agree with Bibamus. To dispel a RiP spell you need to beat its "casting value", while the engine lowers the "casting value" of a single Lore. So...
Yeah it doesnt really makes sense, but then again there are a lot of rules and items that doesnt make sense. T the only situation where it would...