Heh, i think you misunderstood me, I was talking about the Hide of the cold one Scar vet that the OP is calling a "mini steg", not the actual steg...
Thats wrong, they get take 1 wound for every combat ress they loose with in combat, with no armor saves allowed, they still get regen and ward...
I agree with the Plaque is better but with 2 priests he can fit in both. Swedish tournaments does use closed lists however, so its much better...
Very true, which is why i mentioned it in the discussion, under "+Doesnt rely on enemy base or unit size" for the razordons. The thing is tho that...
While I agree with everything else you said, I completly 100% disagree with you on this point, I never build an army without Rod of Storm. You...
I knew i missed somthing ! Making a unit immune to fear can be huge, especially when you want to avoid auto-breaking from combat against daemons...
The reroll miscasts is not very good, you rarely want to take the chance of rerolling a miscast as you have a good chance of getting something...
Hello Velcroface an welcome to the forums ! There is an introduction thread on the forum if you feel like telling us a little about yourself. If...
I personally love mounted scar vets and would never play with a scar vet on foot (maybe with jag charm and GW for chariot insta-gibbing). As...
They are only distrubuted as shooting in case you hit something where hits are randomized, they still take out the fighting rank and count...
I understand that you might be limited by the models you own, but from a "power gamer" perspective the Slann is a far, far more competative choice...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I always take 2 single salamanders nowadays and they very rarely dissapoint me. Seems like most people play at least...
If you read the salamander entry on page 56 you can see that they are indeed skirmishers. Hydras are also skrimishers, but when they charge they...
Correct, 80 pts include a handler. The "very bad" category is only for panic tests, the damage salamanders can do is always useful, while the...
Salamanders 101 1.1 First impression This is the second article I’ve written on this forum (produced from a combination of boredom and...
I agree that blade of realites is a great counter for the things the the rest of the army struggle with, but it won't help if you can't connect...
A mounted character with US 5 can always be targeted in a unit, so yes, he can be targeted. This also applies for Look Out, Sir!, so cannons can...
Yeah I've never tried the unit out either but have the same concerns as you (skinks dropping like flies giving up 7-8 CR). Still very cheap for a...
Well it might be only 1 extra attack, but all attacks are made by great weapons. There is a huge difference between 3 S6 or 2 S4 attacks,...
I used to be the exact same way, I hated painting but liked playing, but I quit playing for almost a year because I just couldn't be bothered with...