Some of us are just that slow :D.
See rokanos, this is exactly why it's called the slow painter challenge!!! As for myself, I've been slowly working on my first batch of 5 Saurus...
Hoverboy is right. The spell says you target the unit. The skinks on the stegadon are part of the unit and will be affected as well.
I think that is some splendid work!!! There's a lot of character in that little fellow. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
You could add a light drybrush of a lighter grey. If you look at the saurus warrior I painted in my army log post, you'll see I went from a very...
Make sure you copy the image link/adress, then use the pic tag, not the Img one. There ya go!!!
I say 3 points. As for myself. I finally got something doe. While it's not worthy of an upgrade, I'm glad I did some painting and I will try to...
Really impressive stegadon. I hope mine turns out to be half as well painted as yours. Can't wait to see more!!!!
Boy oh boy!!! Don't even get me started on not painting when I should be... I've accumulated so many hours of SC2 in the past 2 weeks and lots of...
Re: 20,000k list Very impressive collection there!!! Your stegadons and slann are absolutly gorgeous!!! I want more pictures!!!
Yeah I get it that he is an albino but a little contrast wouldn't hurt. For instance, you could use some Space Wolves Grey to add some contrast...
I really like the colors you picked for your AoW Saurus. It's looking very good! The only thing I would add is a little contrast on the scales....
Ok so I'm gonna say it since I've been keeping it to myself for a while now. I'm very angry at you!!!!! Every day, I log on and check to see if...
You'll see that these forums are very active. I was away on vacation and I'm usually pretty active myself so expect to get a lot of comments from...
Really nice work on all the parts for your campaign! How did your friend build the map??? Nice looking capitol cities and I'm looking forward on...
I'm relieved to see that most of you guys didn't progress this week. I was away on vacation for the last 4 days but I'm now back and will resume...
Nice Saurus there Jormi, totally like the green scheme :D.
Welcom to Lustria-Online!!! I hope you enjoy the community we have here!!!
Yeah the time limit is April 10th for this 1st painting challenge. If the mods will let me and if there's a sufficient interest, I also have an...