Thanks for the read through on the new O&G army book. It was very instructive and if I ever face them on the battlefield in the near future, I'll...
Wow guys, so many nice models here in the slow painter challenge. When I started this thread, I never thought so many would join!!! I'm kinda...
I agree that you guys should join!!!! The more lazy painter, the better I'll feel about not being 1st :D.
I really like the different look of the weapon, I really think it looks awesome!
Indeed, it's impossible to give your Revered Guardian a dispel scroll. Only characters with a wizard level are allowed to take arcane items. I...
From what can be seen, it looks nice. For a green saurus, you can check out my painting log. Hurry up and take some better pictures!!!
Skrox unit is too big for my taste, go 20/2 or something like that. T2 skinks is free kills for elves. I'd get bigger units of Saurus. At 2500,...
Oooh! Interesting color scheme you have going on for Oxyotl! Will be looking forward to seeing the finished project.
Looks like it REALLY is the slow painter challenge :D. As far as I'm concerned, I had a real busy week at work and we had the floor of our...
For 1k, I suggest list 1. For 1250, list 2 and for 1500, your list looks really good :D.
As a matter of fact I can, I regularly switch hands to do a lot of stuff. I'm a natural lefty who somehow learned to do a whole buch of stuff with...
Nice work on the update sevensevenare49, but you missed me, probably because my post was a link to my plog. I'll repost my test model here so you...
I understand your pain Khakorlot!!! My hands shake A LOT and I'm only 25, but it's been that way since i was 12. I like to joke about it saying...
Looking good Josh!!! It would be nice to have a point update during the week, so it's easier to keep track for everybody. Thats right...
Great looking unit there. I would love to see close ups of indidividual models. I would also love to know your recipe since I'm looking for a...
I've posted pictures of my saurus warrior test model on my painting log that you can find here. I'll wait to post the full unit here :D.
Here is a picture of my mostly finished Saurus Warrior test model. He only really needs a final wash and highlight on the gold parts before I call...
Wow Eladimir, that's a very productive week-end!!!! Good job on the Saurus Warriors. The Stegadon is also looking very good. For the bones/horns,...
Test model is done!!! I'm really happy with the results and I think it's by far my best work so far. I'll have a picture up tuesday and I should...
Once again some incredible work there!!! You really make me jealous!