I'm happy to say that I've (finally!) found a color scheme I like and I'm working on finishing a test model. I will post a picture when he's done....
You guys are gonna laugh... I was working on 20 SW and I tryed seeing what the finished product would look like... Only to find out I really...
I took a picture, hopefully it'll help you. [attach] The Standard attach itself to the chair in the spot I showed in the picture.
After the battalion box, here's what you should be getting: 1) A Slann Mage-Priest: These guys are invaluable. your general as soon as you hit...
Here's an example of how to post a miniature with the Lustria-Online tag for the contest. Please note that these pictures are just examples, not...
I think you have a fairly powerful list there my friend. You have what it takes to take care of pretty much everything an ennemy can offer. I...
It's not about being the slowest, it's about slow painters trying to paint stuff up in a decent ammount of time :D. I think Josh Ichimaru will...
I expected to have something done by now, but I might be changing the skin color of my Saurus Warriors to match with the scales I like. I'll try...
It's never too late to join the fun!!! Especially since I'm not the one keeping track of paints and all :D.
Hi Strewart, thanks for the reply. I thought highlighting was painting the edges, not the middle. I tryed painting the edges, I could try it...
Hey guys. As most of you guys know, I'm working on my first 20 Saurus Warriors. I've started batch painting them and I'm now at a point where I...
Hahaha, I started watching DS9 with my GF and now I'm watching TNG alone. Lots of video time for painting :D.
Two washes done on 6 models. I'm gonna take a break to relax the neck a little bit and I should be back around 6h20 Eastern Time.
My my my, so much activity while I was teaching young overexcited teenagers how to properly read and write (I'm a french teacher)... After a...
This really is the slow painter challenge then :D. In 9-10 hours, I SHOULD be starting to paint if nothing comes up. I too have to do some...
I really think the Stegadons of all kind have a niche role in Lizardmen armies. I really enjoy using an Ancient Stegadon against my friend's...
I'm starting tomorrow, I'll be working on 20 saurus. I then plan to work on something different, maybe Cold One Cavalry or my Stegadon. Might end...
I really like the conversion work you did on both those models. The paint job is also very good. I should really try to put my hands on the...
Skirmishers and scouts will count as rank and file for the purpose of the point system.
Local time, once again, I trust people on these boards. I know I've skipped some painting sessions in order to wait until the challenge starts....