Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Impressive work, I really like that you used silver and bronze for the metallics, together it...
Hopefully, she doesn't ask for pink HE like mine... OBVIOUSLY, I'm not doing it but still o_O .
The main point of this competition is to paint stuff. Personnaly, I don't see the point of giving points for quality. I for one spend a lot of...
- SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) - Strewart - Juhaaha - Wildboar - Josh Ichimaru - novatomato - Kaax Taat -...
Thanks sevensevenare49, I'll take you up on that offer (it will give me more time to paint mouahahahahahhahaha!!!).
Once again updated the list of participants because I'M A TOTAL NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!! - SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) -...
First of all, you can't post individual point value in your topics. Make sure you erase them ASAP. Not sure if you paid for an extra HW, but...
Once again updated the list of participants because I'M A NOOB (sorry Kaax Taat) - SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) -...
That is so weird... You need to be 14 to sign up to photobucket but you can expose your life on Facebook at any age... Weird weird weird rules on...
Ok, I'll try to answer everything. - No need to take a photo of the models before, I trust no one would cheat other people on this forum (I like...
I think freakndell made some really good suggestions. I would also add that at 2500 pts, I think Saurus warriors unit deserve to be 25+ strong....
It's pretty hard to see since the picture is a bit blurry but I must say that I would really like to see individual close-ups of both units. I...
I really like the work you did on the head with a different color for the skull plate. It looks very good. The contrast is very good between the...
@ kaax taat : Of course you are still in, your comments about the point system were appreciated and never will I shut down suggestions without...
When I started watching, I remember not understanding the game. It took me quite a while to see all the subtle details that make the game...
Updated the list of participants once more: - SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) - Strewart - Juhaaha - Wildboar - Josh...
Don't worry, I won't hate you if you don't take my advice. I don't have all the answers and there's more then one way to play Lizzies :D.
A unit filler is something you use to bring an infantry block to higher numbers without actually adding the appropriate troop number to the unit....
The Ancient Steg with EoTG + the Scar-Vet exceed the hero limit. Put the Priest on foot and drop the stegadon for now since you can't have an...
Done, sorry about the little mistake! Nothing is definitive, but I've seen people putting 10+ hours on a Slann, since it's the center piece of...