Ok, here's a rough draft of the point system that will be used to update the weekly standing during the slow painter challenge: - Rank and file...
Updated the list of participants - SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) - Strewart - Juhaaha - Wildboar - sevensevenare49 -...
The Slann I use is the same as yours but with BSB. I can see this has a lot of potential even though it's really not the standard build you see...
I really enjoyed looking at those models!!! Great creative work!!! @ Strewart: American Football isn't so much about the contacts, but the...
Great to have so many people joining in, as I said, in the end, it doesn't matter how much you painted, you don't even have to pledge annything...
I think you are lacking in the skink department. I would suggest taking you drop 2 units of saurus, make 2 units of 24, get 2x5 chameleons, 1x10...
- 12 Saurus is too small, I'd get 20. - Skink chief means your Saurus will have to use his LD. I'd use a Scar-Vet instead. - Stegadon is fine,...
I'd like to give people a reasonable time period to paint. This isn't so much about rushing a project then just giving people some extra...
- Slann is very expensive. I usually use 2 disciplines, Mystery and Rumination, and sometimes add Cogitation. - Not a fan of the EoTG in this...
Your army is also highly illegal, you have way too many points in heroes (mounts count in heroes allowance). I suggest you take a standard...
It's cool to have people answering positively to this challenge. As far as I'm concerned, I've had problems finding time for painting lately...
I've often pictured hidden Temple-Cities looking a bit like this with a pyramid-like temple in the middle.
I think we could extend this to non-lizard armies. I think it's more about painting stuff up that what army your are painting :D.
Hey guys, After seeing a similar thread over on Ulthuan.net, I decided we should try it out here. Here's a contest I propose. If you are a slow...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Well that does makes sense now that I'm looking at it that way uh! That's what you get for...
Wouldn't it be very nice if we got plastic Salamanders/Razordons and some plastic Chameleon Skinks??? I could see GW's sales going insanely upward...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Would it be possible to make it a Forum instead of a sub-forum??? I think most people enjoy...
It's really hard to tell because of the bad quality of the pictures. From what I can see though, the 2nd one stand out a lot more but I'd rather...
I've had lots of success with them against my friend's Daemons of Chaos army. 1st game I used them, they took two turns of flamers shooting...
I'd pick The Focused Rumination and here's why: - Knowing all spells is useful only when you have lots of PD. Plaque of Tepok is cheap and allows...