Spears allow the second rank to attack unless they moved during that turn (i.e. charged). Swords, being hand weapons, cna be used in conjunction...
Yeah I agree with Celticfire. The comet has always been a nice spell on paper (though in the latest incarnation of the rules it seems less...
Yep revered_guardian you're absolutely right regarding the bsb/general thing... slipped my mind :) Also, I too believe that this sort of army may...
Definitely agree with strewart on this. The great weapon issue is all relative to the model wielding it. In the case of the krox, it would have...
Just a thought, wouldn't another unit of skirmishers instead of the unit of 10 skinks be a valid choice?
Yep, the new shield is much better looking on the oldblood than the other one. Nice touch :)
So, here is my first attempt at an army list for the newest version of the LM. Lord Slann Mage Priest The Focused Rumination Soul of...
Great work! The temple guards are fantastic, expecially the shields and bone sections. I also liked the standard and the drybrush effect on it...
I really enjoyed looking at the way you composed your army. It seems to be a very balanced and solid force (I actually think I will try and make...
Yep, must agree with Craken on this, the T-Rex head makes the model much more fearsome. Tried looking for it on the link posted but could not find it.
Well done! Very nice work and the painting is very good especially if you have only just started!
Wow!!! Now that's what I call a krox! Suitable model for Nakai!
Thanks for the comments! @ strewart - I thought of doing that but the problem is that as is the frontage is more than 50mm so it won't fit on the...
Hi there, I think that this army has potential. I am trying to come up with something similar on a 2000 point scale. Here are some comments: On...
Here are a few of my painted models. The first is the old version of the Slann. I am quite fond of this model since it was one of the first that...
The new kroxigors are a much needed improvement on the previous version. The previous kroxs did not do the description of a krox justice at all!...
Thanks for the welcome!
Down here its not so much the cold that's the problem, but rather humidity. What I usually do to speed up the drying is either use a hairdryer...
The comet is a very valid spell, especially against a tight group of warmachines, however, as with all remains in play spells, it ties down the...
Hi strewart, thanks for the welcome and for the link re. magic. Aranigej