I'd be interested! And that's a cool site, thanks for the link!
Some excellent posts coming in! Thanks a lot vapor and Taipan, really helpful! I have a question about the Throne of Vines: Where do you place it...
No wonder I haven't been able to find many books on them.. There are only really 2. Thanks for the titles though guys! I'll start scouring the...
I like level 2 with plaque of Topek for low point games where he is my only caster. Can't say I play EOTG unless I'm facing Daemons/undead
That's a list/build I ran back in 7th! Admittedly it seems stronger now in 8th. Stegs aren't the best against a lot of armies though...
I've heard this one mentioned before! Might check it out. Thanks for the suggestion! Any others read anything good?
A nice analysis! Thanks Lord Tsunami. How about a breakdown of lores vs other armies? Ie. Metal is usually good against WoC and Dwarves, Life...
Aw.. Still only a few models from those two sites, and again, I still think the other armies have the cooler ones. For such a flavorful army, we...
Cool! Thanks so much n810. You're one of the main reasons I decided to start posting here by the way! Some awesome paint jobs and tactics coming...
That is pretty good! Don't think I can convince my girlfriend to do anymore conversions for me for a while though (she's the artistic one). An...
It does! I had not thought about Banehead/"feedback" combo for life, nor about avoiding cupped hands for life. Although admittedly I haven't read...
Thanks for that!
Any come recommended? Would love to read some more fluff! But some of the warhammer novels are pure drivel..
Do Terradons roll 3D6 and discard the lowest for their flees? Do they make a dangerous terrain check for fleeing through other units/environment?...
Hello! So I've seen some pretty cool miniatures from other game lines for Chaos and Dwarves (like fantization), but these sites don't have very...
Hey guys! So for 7th, Slann was the clear choice (in my opinion) for which general I brought to the table, but what to do in 8th? Magic got...
Just a quick question about fear/hexes reducing WS. If I reduce a units weapon skill (to 1 for arguments sake), if there is a hero in that unit...
Thanks for all the tips guys! Some very good advice
Thanks for the thoughts! I really appreciate it. Just when I thought I'd settled on Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak, you throw this wrench at...
Or! (sorry I know this is a big rant and a lot of info to read through) Skink Priest -Lvl 2 -Cloak of Feathers (gets him outa his bunker if need...