OK! So here are my draft ideas for a skink hero to (hopefully) last through my campaign! 1) Skink Priest -Lvl 2 -Plaque of Tepok -Seed of Life...
A good tip! What is the reasoning behind it though? Errata'd? Or was I cheating back in 7th with my frenzied ancient stegs?
This is what I was thinking! I'm also looking at my tactics for fighting my three opponents (throughout the campaign, and the heroes remain...
Also! BSB question: If I take a skink chief as BSB, does this cost points other than the standard (razor)? Can he still take a Charmed Shield as...
Hey guys! About to embark on some of my first ever 8th games. Just curious how spears work now? Do the first two ranks still get their 2 attacks...
My fear is that my Saurus shouldn't go toe to toe with my opponents.. Swordmasters, Chosen, and Stunties are pretty tough. I was looking at...
Hey guys! So my group has finally given in, and we're going to start playing 8th! I have only played one tester game to see how hordes and magic...
Hey guys, another 7th edition question. I've heard that in 8th, Gor-Rok gives his unit stubborn. I was curious if this was the case in 7th as...
Thanks for the input! Unfortunately we are playing 7th, so no armor of destiny for me. Would it be better to challenge though? Or just mow down?...
Would this guy be suitable for challenges? Or should I just be charging him into flanks and let him mow things down? Scar-Vet Hide of the Cold...
Happy Canada Day everyone! So I'm trying my first 500 point game next week (7th edition, but any advice is appreciated!) and its scheduled to be...
Poopy. But thanks! I guess I'll try the spears and hope enough survive a charge to attack back in numbers.
Hello everyone! Sorry if this has been asked before.. but this has been bugging me and I'd really like to know for my game on Sunday so I can...
I was going to prime mine white, and then wash blue to give him muscle-tones/highlights, and dry brush a darker blue for his scales. Fast.. and I...
2 after my vote! (if yours is the one I think it is) And I'll definitely try and finish gluing my first conversion attempt for the next one! My...
I'm going to use a trial list tomorrow and figure out how to use my scar vets appropriately. I'm going to run Scar-vet on Cold One LA Enchanted...
And should I use it for challenging? I guess I don't understand how to utilize the build. I'm looking for him to fill a role of tanking while...
Sorry if this is gravedigging a thread, but.. @Hellbreaker's build Scar-Vet on Cold One Light Armor Enchanted Shield Sword of the Hornet I was...
Oh crap. Can't believe I missed that! Time for a strategy change.. Maybe a combat slann.. :jimlad:
That's my thought! Is death the best lore (from 7th!) for this role however? Fire and metal are also good.. I usually fight WoC, VK, Daemons,...