Drawing his twin swords, Ax-rodriq brought them together in a scissor movement. The rat that got caught in between the two blades fell to the...
[attach] There's my Slann. I've been talking about it for a while, but only just started on it about a week ago. The conversion solves the stupid...
I usually paint gold by first painting it with Shining Gold, then a wash of Devlan Mud, then a highlight with Burnished Gold and a final highlight...
Ax-rodriq pulled the arrows out of his hide. He cared not whether the arrows stuck in his skin - it would take more than a boobytrap to puncture...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(NEW Rikard's Old Blood) Looks great! I need to get me one of those...
I'm stealing that yellow striped color scheme. hehe. :P
Well, someone has to lay the eggs. :D I kid, I kid. Welcome to the site!
[] Just in here, or should we PM you? []
I do love to put a Scar Vet with the Burning Blade or SOTSR in a unit of Cold One Riders. And dual Engines can be quite nasty, although without...
Maybe Green would be alright. Orange would contrast the blue, but it might blend in with the tan too much.
We could also do it via Skype or something like that. Sadly, I don't have any of my paints here, but I'd still tag along for moral support. ;)
Drop the Full Command on all units. Saurus really only need a Standard and a Musician, and same goes for Cold One Cavalry, especially since you'll...
I pledge to finish my Slann conversion (might have to wait a while for paint)
I'm the same as most everyone else. Sallamanders are really good, and it looks like they'll be even better in 8th. Razordons shouldn't be...
I advise magnetising instead of trying to drill a square hole.
Not the cheapest way of doing it, but it should be cool!
What I would do is basecoat everything with Hormagaunt Purple, then highlight with a 1:1 mix of Hormagaunt Purple and Codex Gray, and then...
Ax-rodriq went to investigate each of the individual entrances. His wish was to not split up, as the five of them would be able to handle any...
I don't have pictures of it yet, since it's still a work in progress, but my Slann is going to have his palanquin resting on a heap of skulls. It...
I mentioned earlier how I do my Skink eyes, and here's a really old picture of the finished product. I think he's about the first Skink I ever...