Sounds like a good start! If you get a Battalion and a Stegadon, you'll be set to enforce the will of the Old Ones.
Nice conversion, and those Skinks are looking good!
[attach] [attach]
My plan is to drill a hole and stick a dowel or rod through the model and anchor it into a heap of skulls on the base. :bored:
There's a brewery here in Edmonton for this stuff called Alley Kat Ale. It's pretty good, and really cheap!
Seems like a decent list, although one Skink Priest on a Stegadon will support your Slann enough that you could probably drop the two extras, and...
Looks cool! I don't know if the Lizardmen would live in huts, though, when they have uber temple-cities. :P Still, those are pretty awesome, and...
Okay, I went through your entire thread and edited your posts so that we can see them. In the future, use [pic] tags. Or else. But yea, looks...
Looks cool!
Well, I would drop a unit of Cavalry and get some Saurus in there instead. They may not be as fast as Dark Elves, but they're legions tougher.
If I was going to field a Lone Slann, I'd definitely take Higher state of consciousness. Then as long as you bring along some Dispel Scrolls, all...
Welcome, Quina! I hope you have an excellent time on our little forum. :pompus:
Great job so far! My only complaint is the white on his face - is it supposed to be facepaint, or is it the highlighting? Because it stands out a...
Yes, that is my interpretation of the Staff of the Lost Sun.
Welcome! I hope we can answer any questions you have about anything! :pompus:
hehe... exam week....
I converted up my Terradon Chief today. [attach] Sorry - it's not the greatest picture ever, but I think you can tell what's going on.
Blowpipes > Javelins. Other than that, it looks like a fun list to play! :D
I have an empty box of Jagermeister, with the cardboard inserts still in it. I wrap each unit up in bubblewrap and that works just fine for me....
I don't know if the Lizardmen were the sporting type. I suppose the Skinks would play a lightning-fast version of it in their spare time, though....