Drop the Skinks and add another unit of 10 Skirmishers.
Split your Skink units into 2 units of 10 instead of 20. Then, with the points, you can add light armor, shield, and extra hand weapon to your...
Nice job so far! It looks neat and clean, and will look great with some washes and such. Might want to upgrade from the cell phone camera though.. :D
Painting Gold, eh? I think I've developed a pretty good system with GW paints. First, I basecoat it with Iyanden Darksun (if you want the gold to...
Chaos Black + gloss finish is the best bet for Obsidian, since there's really not much else to it. Perhaps if you're up for a bit of a challenge,...
If anyone is interested, just send me a PM here or on Youtube (link in my sig) and I'll get you hooked up with an account. You need to download...
I don't really run into this problem, since I run my Saurus units 15 strong 90% of the time, and the box comes with a handy 16th Saurus, allowing...
You're talking about the Herald of Cosmic Events rule? It says it is rolled for at the beginning of any one friendly Magic Phase, so I would...
I do like that Mawloc. I ordered three of em, and I don't even play Tyranids! :pompus:
You might as well bump it up to 1000 points. I don't really see any point in stepping between 500 and 1000. That way, you'll also be able to get...
Nice job! Hehe, you don't need my help...
If you live in the Americas, I recommend the MiniWarGaming online store.
It's about -20 centigrade right now, and supposed to be -30 ish all through next week, before wind chill. There's also about a foot and a half of...
I like the striking color combination of dark rock and shiny gold. It seems more quintessentially Lizardmen to me.
Well, welcome to the site, first of all. I suggest you post some pictures, so we can see what you've come up with so far, and then we'll be able...
Imma build me a big ol' pile of skulls for the palanquin to rest on instead.
Haha, welcome to the site, Blue-Dragon! If strewart gets out of line, just smack him haha. ;)
You can't pick from different Lores anymore, so the Slann picks spells like any other lvl 4 Wizard, unless of course, you have Focus of Mystery.
I'm less a fan of custom made units, and more a fan of house rules and special scenarios in campaigns and stuff.
Welcome to the site! :pompus: