I prefer the configuration on the right. Looks good overall!
Well, thre was a cricket game on this afternoon so I made more progress than I expected. I spent about 6 hours cleaning up the pieces, then two...
Well, I hinted in the painting resolution thread that I had a very large and ambitious project for the year. I am now in a position to begin...
Think about the combination fo flesh to stone and throne of vines as another counter though. You have throne, you cast flesh on a unit, it gets +4...
DanBot has it all covered. Also, moving to rules questions.
Most of the ones that get to stay seem to be recycled from previous editions. Or at least the name stays but the rules change a little bit.
I haven't noticed a particularly bad smell from them... Do you shake the pots well before using them? I could be resistant to those kind of smells...
Its essentially the same as having barding, but it doesn't reduce movement.
Try a dry fit and find out? I think those cold ones are a fair bit smaller and skinnier than the current ones, so you might need to fill in a bit...
Yeah Ogres would be another tough one. :) I forgot about them because I haven't played against them in years.
Yeah as vapor said, even with a flank charge you still retain steadfast so you shouldn't have fled so easily. But aside from that rule, yeah one...
I keep em on foot and I keep em cheap. A scar vet is already better than most characters, barring vampires and chaos probably. I've never had them...
Yeah shouldn't be anything wrong with that really.
Cool, nice work on the step by step guide! Good luck getting it finished in time.
Just for dealing damage in a 1000 point game, I'd definitely take the skrox unit before the TG. Remember TG are slightly overpriced when they...
Kraan rides a demonic steed into the arena, so its a horse vs a huge demonic beast. o_O Still, I can't count the number of times I've seen...
That crystal is looking awesome now, great work! Can't wait to see the finished piece.
Its probably because Empire are a little vanilla and particularly don't have a huge 'come and look at me!' kit to draw attention to them. Yeah...
The mighty Kraan fights a Bretonnian first up? Hahaha good, a warmup!
I am not a fan of fire because it is mostly offensive spells, and they don't do a lot these days. A horde will let you kill 5 of them without...