With these retarded restrictions in place, GW clearly does not even want your money. Consider buying miniatures from other companies, Maelstrom...
That doesn't work. You cannot use the general's leadership if you are using your own stubborn. You either get stubborn at your own leadership, or...
That looks great! Well done.
The paragraph on Unique Units in the BRB says everything that is relevant to them will be explained in their army books. Maybe it is allowed then,...
Everyone feel free to post photos either directly in this thread, or in a different thread with a link to here. :) When I get a bit of time I...
How is everyone going? I think I have bought/ordered at least 6 months worth of models already, and barely started my new chaos army. Crap. :P...
Re: Lizards of the Ancient Prophecy (Kai'Ata) Painting Log Some great looking models so far! The start of the skrox unit is looking impressive.
I definitely agree with putting some devlan mud on the gold areas. Maybe some more wash on the rest of the models too. Other than that, they look...
I used to just buy whatever I liked the look of, which ended up being most things in the army, and lots of troops so I would end up with 4-5000...
Wow. That priest is amazing! Fantastic work! The charmeleons look really cool as well.
Hmm wow yes I have certainly been putting my priest in my skrox unit. I guess if we are going to claim immunity from 13th spell and stomp attacks,...
That one extra round you hold them up for could be the difference in saving your unit with support and/or magic and losing the unit. Or it could...
Yep exactly. And 1+ armour is now the best you can get. Before that restriction was in place, I had a HE character with a -1 armour save. :P
If you are slotting in scar-vets, isn't that where you want the champs especially to be in case you come up against much more powerful characters?...
I'll be the first to fill out the form properly now that I have submitted my character build. :D Character name: Kraan The Exalted Character type...
I disagree with this. At best, the champ is just as easy to kill as normal models in the unit, they are occasionally a bit tougher. Any perceived...
Yep, scar vet should work well. If you can get the charge you will even deny his impact hits.
Great looking army! Nice work, and welcome to LO!
There is basically nothing he could kill on his own. Anything that has regen is vulnerable to fire, but most of them also will just beat him up....
Hmm you could try kroxigor heads? Otherwise, if you have the skill to sculpt, it might be easier to just make your own.